Are you suffering with Liverpool Coronavirus anxiety and stress? You’re certainly not alone. Here are some simple techniques and steps you can do at home to reduce stress and anxiety.
Anxiety and fear can easily get the better of us, especially during a difficult time like this. The outbreak of a virus that is contagious can create fear, panic and anxiety especially for those who are concerned about germs and cleanliness. It’s important to understand when you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and find ways to reduce your levels of stress. Symptoms range from feeling nervous, restless or tense to an increased heart-rate and hyperventilating.
Stress can impact your overall health and wellbeing so here are some helpful ways to reduce your levels of stress at home.
Yoga for Anxiety
Yoga is a fantastic way to relax, stretch our the whole body and focus on breathing techniques. You can do this in the morning or at night and thanks to White Wolf Yoga Studio you can follow their free online videos on YouTube.
Meditation for Anxiety
Meditation can be as simple as finding a quiet space in your home and enjoying a moment of peace and calm. To start, focus on your breathing. Breath in and hold for a few seconds and breath deeply out. Continue for a couple of minutes and enjoy that moment of calm.
Here are some fantastic YouTube videos for guided meditation.
15 Minute Guided Meditation to Find Peace in Uncertain Times
Guided Meditation to Let Go of Stress and Anxiety
Rain Sound and Thunder – 2 Hour Sleep Meditation Music
Wake up early and workout
Sleeping in everyday while isolating can leave you feeling lazy, lethargic and can lead to depression. Instead, wake up early and enjoy a morning coffee before everyone else wakes up, listen to the sound of the birds outside or throw on some workout clothes and do some exercise. A quick morning workout has been proven to improve your metabolism and overall sense of wellbeing.
Here’s one of our favourite YouTubers and her workout videos:
Mad Fit 10 Minute Cardio- No Jumping
Mad Fit 20 Minute At Home Legs
Avoid Liverpool Coronavirus News
This might seem easy enough but you’ll be surprised how easily you can spiral out of control while searching Liverpool Coronavirus news and updates online. Your mind will hold on to these negative stories and can have a significant effect on your stress and anxiety levels, especially at night. If you feel the need to check the news, consider limiting yourself to BBC news, once a day, or less if possible.
Take a warm bath
If you’re struggling with anxiety and stress, a comforting warm bath can really help to relieve tension. Stress can cause your whole body to tense up, even if you don’t realise it. A warm bath increases body temperature and relaxed the muscles, soothing you physically and mentally. Go on, run yourself a hot bath.
Go in your garden or open the window
If you’re lucky enough to have access to a backyard or garden, go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Being close to nature can help lift your spirits. If you don’t have a garden, open the window and enjoy the cool air on your skin. Enjoy watching the clouds in the sky slowly pass by and take a moment to be still.
Play with your pet
Multiple studies have shown that pets are powerful forms of stress relief. Engaging with a pet can not only lower blood pressure but also the harmful stress hormones like cortisol, which is associated with anxiety and depression. If you have a fluffy friend at home, spend some time with them. Watch a movie and stroke them. Teach them a new trick. Take some pictures of them. Whatever it is, the love and affection you show them will be reciprocated. Plus they’re super cute and have unconditional love. Who’s a good boy!
Make something yummy to eat
If you’re feeling low, why not bake something nourishing for the body and soul. Make your favourite food and enjoy it guilt-free. Having a little bit of what you fancy does you the world of good and spending some time in the kitchen will take your mind off anything else that’s bothering you, for a while. Enjoy each and every mouthful. We recommend avocado on toast with black pepper and a squeeze of lemon as a brunch idea.
Put the Liverpool Coronavirus Figures into perspective
If you’ve been obsessing over the news and constantly checking the Coronavirus figures, it’s time to put things into perspective. Yes, we all need to stay indoors and practice social distancing however, you don’t need to panic. If you take the necessary measures to stay clean and healthy, your risk is reduced. Live in the moment, not in the past or the future. Right now, if you’re fit and healthy and are staying at home, appreciate that. Be truly grateful that you have your health and you are safe.
Avoid going outside
To reduce your risk, limit your chance of exposure. It’s really as simple as that. If you consider the virus as paint. If someone has wet paint all over their hands and is going about their normal routine, the paint spreads. If you wash your hands well and stay at home, you are dramatically reducing your risk of getting any paint on your hands. By knowing you’re not exposing yourself to potential contact with someone who is infected, you can rest easy that you’ll more than likely fine. Take a deep breathe and relax.
Create your own safe space
If you are suffering from anxiety, we recommend creating your own safe space. This can be a bedroom or a room that you can sit inside and close the door. Fill the room with objects that make you feel cosy and comfortable. Pillows, pictures of loved ones, blankets and fluffy slippers. This creates a safe space where you can go and close the door on the world outside and feel in control. This is also a good idea for young children who are feeling worried. The concept of creating a den, can be so comforting and fun. Why not give it a go.
Watch a comedy
Laughter is a fantastic medicine, known to boost the immune system and reduce feelings of depression. Make yourself laugh out loud by watching a comedy today. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can switch from feeling down to feeling uplifting with a feel-good movie or a hilarious comedy.
Here’s our list of the Top 10 Things to Watch on Netflix right now.
Unplug and breathe
A little trick to unplug is to put your phone on airplane mode. Set a timer for 30 minutes or up to 3 hours if you feel confident to do so, and unplug. Don’t pick up the TV remote, don’t check the news and don’t give-in to the urge to check social media. Reconnect with yourself and your family. Recharge your mind and body and do something other than browsing the internet or updating social media. Perhaps take up a hobby that you’ve always fancied doing or just make a coffee or a warm drink and have a conversation with a loved one.
For more Liverpool Coronavirus articles be sure to check out:
15 Ways to Entertain the Kids at Home
Top 10 Things to Watch on Netflix- Self Isolating