Kid’s activities that you can do while staying at home.
Looking for new and creative ways to keep the kids entertained at home? We’ve put together a list of some of the best kids activities that you can do right now while staying at home. From easy drawing for kids to bedtime stories for kids who are struggling to sleep at night, we’ve got a whole load of inspiration to help Liverpool families cope during isolation. So make yourself a cup of tea and let’s get started!
Easy Drawing for Kids
Drawing is a fantastic way to spark imagination in children of all ages and will certainly help to bring out their creative side. Art has also been found to reduce levels of stress and anxiety so during Liverpool isolation, kids activities relating to arts and crafts will help to calm anxious children who may have been listening to adult conversations or news stories about Coronavirus. We’ve found some fantastic kids activities that will teach kids how to draw. As long as you’ve got a pen, pencil or some crayons and scrap paper, you’re ready to go.
Here’s some simple and free to download kids colouring in worksheets that we found on Pinterest. We’ve even created a ‘kids activities at home’ Pinterest inspiration board so you can find even more fun activities and arts and crafts that you can do at home with your children.
Get inspiration from Unlock Liverpool Pinterest Board.
Boys colouring in worksheet:
Girls colouring in worksheet:
Here’s some easy drawing kids activities to promote mental health at home:
How to draw Peppa Pig. See if your kids can manage to copy these easy steps and draw Peppa on their own. Be warned, this can have hilarious results.
Let your child’s imagination go wild by designing their very own Princess dress and colouring it in. Or for younger children, see if they can copy the bunny face and colour in this spring inspired picture.
Stories for Kids- Kids Activities During Lockdown
A bedtime story is an opportunity to bond with your kids and offer comfort before they go to sleep. A story can help children to escape to a magical world and feed positive dreams. Put their iPad on charge and spend some quality time together listening to, or reading a story at night. Make some warm milk and cuddle up under the duvet and let your mind wander.
Here are some wonderful free stories for kids that you can listen to together:
Elevenses with The World of David Walliams Walter the Wasp: Free stories for kids offer free stories for kids. Bedtime stories include, The White Hare and the Crocodiles, The Troll Wedding, The Day Mum Became a Monster and Luna and the Bottle of Starlight. You can choose from audio stories to listen to while drifting off to sleep, picture books to encourage reading, while also sparking their imagination through pictures and giving them little hints and even videos that beautifully illustrate the story.
Instantly stream bedtime stories using Amazon Audible. Stories for kids that are designed to entertain, educate and engage, Audible is now free for UK parents during the lockdown in the UK and while schools are closed. This is a fantastic online resource packed with classic and modern bedtime stories for kids. Simply go to Audible online and browse through their online collection of stories for kids. Available in a wide range of languages too!
We recommend:
Peter Rabbit and friends by Beatrix Potter
Games for Kids During Isolation
Running out of things to do with your children while staying at home? Don’t panic, we’ve found some kids activities that you can do as a family, without leaving your house. From active games for kids that will help burn off steam and improve their fitness, to games for kids that require children to think outside the box. Grab some juice and some healthy snacks and get ready for family games night.
Here are some fun and active games for kids:
Make your own board game. Print-off a free downloadable board game template and get creative. You can ask your kids to get creative with how the game works, the rules of play and the design of the board.
Try a free online kids worksheet like this one and see if your kids can figure out the right answers. This is great to ease kids into learning at home.
Here are some interesting activities for kids bored at home:
Can you spot the dog among the black and white pandas? Who’s going to find the dog first? Parents or kids, let the games begin.
A bit of maths fun, see if you can work out the last maths question.
Set up some indoor activities for the whole family. We love the idea of indoor balloon volley ball or this difficult indoor laser maze. Play together as a family or in teams.
Tangrams are a fantastic and easy to set up activity for kids of any age. Use shapes to create different animals and challenge each other to make something new. We found a fantastic website with four printable tangrams and 8 challenge cards.
Free Kids Apps – Kids Activities at Home
If you can’t prise your child’s iPad out of their little fingers, at least download some interesting and free kids apps which will help to boarded their horizons, open their eyes to the world, educate them and promote wellbeing. We’ve found some fabulous free kids apps that you can download right now and either play together, play online with family members and friends or let your kid enjoy on their own while you have some time to yourself.
Here’s some free kids apps you should download right now:
Muvimi- make animated films starring you. Dress your movie star, decorate your set and share your creations.
WonderWorlds– welcome to WonderWorlds, a place of limitless imagination, of adventure, discovery, beauty and maybe just a little peril.
LEGO Life – a free and safe online community app for kids. LEGO Life is a creative and social space designed with kids in mind.
Disney Story Realms– experience the magic of Disney in the official Disney Story Realms app and explore the enchanting worlds we all know and love.
More kids activities inspiration:
How to entertain the kids during Liverpool isolation
Isolation birthday party ideas for kids
Great article, helped during this lockdown